Thursday, December 23, 2004

12-23-04 23 more days to go!!!

Whewwwwwwwww I just finished up getting everything out of my storage that is on my apt balcony. It really wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It's still so darn cold outside. I think it is in the 20's right now. Very odd for Texas!! Maybe that's the sign of a very cold winter. So anyway, I got everything out of there and started sorting through it all inside where it's warm. :-) I'm amazed at the things I've found. I guess I should I have gone through that stuff a long time ago. :P I got it all sorted through and as soon as I take all this stuff to my Mom's all that is left is furniture. We are having movers come at the end of the month to get that taken care of.

Tomorrow is Christmas Eve. This is the second Christmas without Shakil. Last year he was in detention at this time. I have to admit this year I feel better because I know he's safe and out of that hellhole! But it sure does strike up memories.

I woke up this morning bright and early when Shakil messaged to my cellphone at 6:30 a.m. and managed to stay up until 10 a.m. I went back to bed and slept until 3 p.m.!!!!! Geez!! As I've said, my sleep pattern is sooo screwed up. I just can't sleep well at night because of all the things running through my mind. I think at this point it is just excitement. Last night I said a prayer to help Shakil and I get through this interview that he has coming up and hoping that everything goes ok. I'm so incredibly nervous about it. We are at their mercy. *sigh*

My roommate Kristi has left for the holiday weekend and I'm here alone. Sometimes I get pretty lonely as I've gotten used to having my roomie here with me. I did some vacuuming and some other cleaning. That seems to be all I have been doing lately is cleaning, cleaning, cleaning!! It clears my mind!!! :-)

Well, Will and Grace is on and I think I'll curl up with Shakil's blankie and watch. 23 more days to go!!!!!!! Oh man I'm EXCITED!!! :-D

Until later...

Bye for now.


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