What day is it?
It's about 9 a.m. here on what day I think is Thursday and I've been up the ENTIRE night. Ok, not just me but Shakil as well. I don't know how Sara's pattern has gotten so screwed up. Sara will go to bed about 8 a.m. and wakes up for her feeds and then I change her diaper, etc. and she is right back to sleep again. This goes on until about 7 p.m. in the evening. She usually starts to get cranky in the evenings but we've increased her feeds in the evening and that seems to have solved that but she is still up allllllllll night and I'm not exaggerating!! So how do you break the vicious cycle because it's wearing me out. I've been told to sleep when she sleeps but that is hard to do during the day when I have other things to do. Is it possible to break the cycle? Do I just not worry about it? What to do!?!?!
In other news, last night Shakil took me out for my birthday dinner. (B-day is on the 9th but Shakil was off last night so we went). I guess I should share that I will be turning the big 3-0. YIKES!! We went to a local restaurant here called "The Village" - it's a Pakistani buffet. I've been there before but last night was exceptionally tasty. I of course over indulged in the sweets they have there and I managed to scarf down 6 - maybe 7 - galub jamins. I'm a sucker for 'em! They are so good! I'm determined to try Lindsey's recipe for them.
Oh and we took Sara in for her 2 month check up and she weighs in now at 4.5 kg (with clothes on) which is about 9 1/2 pounds. Cutie is getting so big now! Hard to believe she was just a little over 6 pounds when she was born and has really blossomed now. It's just wonderful! Now if I could get her to sleep when she's supposed to......
Shakil is starting a new schedule at work and I'm just ticked off about it. He'll be going into work at 9 p.m. and not coming home until 6 a.m. So I'll be home allllll night alone with Sara. Shakil has been helping me at night and it has helped me immensely. I won't have that now! So Shakil and Sara will soon be on the same sleeping schedule with day sleeping.
Ok, I'm so sleepy now I've got to try and catch some sleep while Sara is asleep.
Hope that everyone who reads is doing well!
Until later...
Bye for now.
Maybe you can all start sleeping in the day? Two of them are already on that schedule. I've heard of this when babies get their days and nights mixed up. I have a book on promoting good sleep habits. I'll see if there's anything in there about this and send it to you.
Salaams! Sara will outgrow her sleeping patterns soon enough, for now just sleep with her when she sleeps.. When she gets a little older.. what you CAN do (or you could try now) is try to keep her up and awake, active from about 5pm.. don't let her nap or sleep until 10pm.. This is how I turned one of mine around.. Its hard when they are little but when they get a little bigger (another two mos or so) then it is easier.
Sounds like Sara is growing good though! There is another thing that I know is that when babies double their birth-weight, they begin sleeping through the night.. there is hope!! so until she is about 12lbs.. don't worry about it ;)
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