Sunday, August 20, 2006


You know I'm going to get all emotional when I get back to the U.S. when I start to cry hearing the song "America" by Neil Diamond. This evening I was watching an episode of Oprah and she had Neil Diamond on. He comes on the stage and I start to hear the music of "America" and tears just start to flow. I sniffled the entire song!!! I grew up listening to Neil Diamond and I can remember knowing the words to many, many songs at a young age because that was ALL my Mom played in the car. My Mom is a BIG fan of Neil.

Today, Shakil and I went to get some items that I need to take back to the U.S. Shakil also wanted me to cook some chicken for him - Chicken karahi to be exact. Now, the chicken we buy is frozen and I was hoping to get this cooked before he goes to work at 4:30 p.m. We get home and it is soooo hot in the kitchen and already I'm getting bitchy about cooking in the heat. Shakil did say he could just pick something up and take it to work. Then, he said he'd just cook the chicken. So then I start to feel bad and I tell him to just help me prep for it and he did. Very nice, eh? I didn't end up cooking the Karahi. I cooked another dish that takes less time. Anyways, I got it cooked in time and he was able to have some before going to work. Not bad.

Tonight is Shakil's last day of work before he gets 4 days off!! He requested to take off the whole week that I leave. So he doesn't go back to work until Friday night and I leave EARLY Friday. So, I look forward to spending some quality time with him before we leave. Plus, he'll get some special time with baby Sara!

I still can't believe I've been here 1 year. I never thought I'd last this long here because it's just not easy at all here for me. I could never really adjust here because there was always that part of me that wanted to go back to the U.S. as soon as possible. Things are easier this time emotionally since Shakil will be coming soon. I dunno though, I'm still gonna cry when I leave! :(

Until later...

Bye for now.


Blogger 10860 nights of Tripoli said...

i really enjoy reading your blog daily , it's so exciting ....

and glad that u're coming back to the US , i do have part of my family who lives there for ages , i have cousins in the US who i've never seen , maybe one day i will get a chance to go to the US and see them....

ur baby sara is soooo cute , i hope every things goes well with you...

c ya

8:20 PM  
Blogger pixie said...

I hope that you have a safe trip back!!

11:42 PM  
Blogger Living Away said...

going home is always a wonderful feeling!
have a safe and nice trip, tara!

3:03 PM  

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