Friday, July 22, 2005

Another week gone by...

Man was I ready for the weekend. I had what felt to be a very long week but heck every week seems long to me without Shakil here. I'm still having quite a bit of exhaustion and I'm assuming it's because I'm still in my 1st trimester - 2 more weeks left of it though. I wake up every day a little after 5:15 a.m. and I'm out the door to the office no later than 6:45 a.m. I don't make it to work until about 7:30 a.m. That drive is really wearing on my nerves. Going home is even worse with bumper to bumper traffic.

I'm staying extra busy at work and at times I feel it's good for me because it keeps my mind off things or I'd like to think that it does. I'm entering 15K + charges for just 1 doc on Monday's and Wednesday's and that comes with quite a bit of pressure and a big deadline for them. Thank goodness I'm still pretty speedy with them even after my 6 month stretch of being gone to Pakistan. There is this one chick that works with me and she's about 47 yrs old and acts as if she is in her early 20's. She gets on my last nerve something fierce. I think she is feeling some resentment towards me because some things were taken from her in terms of responsibility and put on me. She is so helpful to the other chick that works with us but never opts to help me out at all. She just gives me some attitude. I can see that she and I are gonna 'throw down' pretty soon. I don't know how much more I can tolerate her mouth!

Had my 2nd OB appt today. I'm 10 weeks as of yesterday. Everything seems to be going just fine. My labs came back great and no antibodies are present with my Rh negative blood type. For those of you who are not familiar with Rh negative, I had a miscarriage in January of 2002 and since I was Rh negative my OB had to give me an injection that is called RhoGam. According to what I've been told the babies blood and my blood crossed therefore it triggers my body to create antibodies. So after I had my D&C my OB gave me the RhoGam injection that prevents my body from creating these antibodies. So when I first found I was pregnant this time around, I got in to see my OB asap to make sure there were no antibodies present that would fight off my unborn baby. I will have another injection at 28 weeks during this pregnancy and then another one at delivery. If Shakil's bloodtype would have been negative as well I wouldn't need injections but unfortunately he's positive like most people. I'm AB negative and he's AB positive. Go figure! :-)

Until later...

Bye for now.


Blogger The DP said...

I love your blog! Just wanted to say that.
That and I'm A-. Woo!

8:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had to get the shots too. I am o neg and hubby o positive. Just make sure after delivery they don't forget to give you the shot. I went into labour three weeks early with my first and my ob didn't deliver and the other doctor who delivered forgot to give me my shot. I wasn't thinking clearly and didn't even remember to ask (duh I just gave birth). Anyway, three days later they rush me to lab tests to save thier ass and thank God my baby was the same blood type as me or I wouldn't of been able to have more children. Whew! Long story! Just keep on top of it at delivery!

10:47 AM  
Blogger bellywalker said...

Good luck with everything! :-D

10:59 PM  
Blogger Anjum said...

chill blog.. congratulations to you and your husband on having a baby! inshallah he'll get back here in time. good luck with everything!

12:41 PM  

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