Sunday, January 15, 2006

Officially started my 9th month!!

Ok, now I'm getting very excited since I've officially started my 9th month of pregnancy!! I wanted to thank everyone that took the time to give me some advice on what to pack in the bag for the hospital and what is a necessity, etc. I really appreciate it! :-)

I've been having to sleep on the sofa now for about hmmm, well....several weeks now because of Shakil's obnoxious snoring. I'm having a hard enough time sleeping anyway because of my huge stomach and the snoring doesn't help. I just think I'm sleeping rather light these days and Shakil sleeps so deep and hence starts to snore. Anyway, I've opted to go downstairs to the drawing room and sleep on the sofa. There is a comfy sofa down there that has been my bed now for a while. I stay down there most of the night and then about 9 a.m. or so I return back to our bedroom. I do get aggravated sometimes that Shakil has not once offered to sleep on the sofa so I could sleep in the bed. He just doesn't want to leave "his" bed. ::sigh::

Yesterday for some strange reason I had some energy that came out of nowhere. I actually went to the market with Shakil and walked around A LOT. I didn't even have a nap or anything. I did laundry (I had been letting the maid do it) and cooked a nice meal for myself. I have to cook separately for myself because there is nothing but goat cooking going on in this house. I don't eat goat or mutton as its called here. I wonder if I'm going to be just beat tomorrow - maybe not.

Shakil and I have officially decided on a first name for our baby but I'm not sharing!!!! I'll let it out when she is born. :-) I go back to the doctor on Tuesday and then every Tuesday after that until she arrives.

My Mom will be here 2 weeks from this coming Wednesday. I'm so very excited about that!!! She has bought baby so much stuff and I can't wait to see it all. :-)

Nothing else really going on here. All my thoughts are revolved around baby at this point.

Until later...

Bye for now.


Blogger ayalguita said...

i remember my 9th month was so exciting, baby can come any time now!:)ummm about sleeping on the sofa...shakil should offer to sleep there, my dh did, as he knew I had hard time sleeping due to baby and his snoring lol, perhaps you need to hint it to him? lol, I know is obvious you are pregnant but sometimes our paki husbands are just not use to put others before themselves if you know what I mean, I guess is the time they have been brought up, so I wouldnt blame him much, just tell him straight in his face: hello shakil, I have a baby in my tommy and need a bed to sleep, go to the sofa thank you !hahahaha;) Take care:)

2:36 PM  
Blogger ayalguita said...

well, here you go,there is a reason for him sleeping in the bed after all:)I hated that kind of work shifts when my dh use to work at night in the uk. we didnt see much each other due tothis: he slept while I was awake and the otherway round. So it was very good when we moved to spain and he started working normal hours,and also is good for the baby as he gets to see her a lot and plays wih her:) But of course not everyone can chose the times they work, when you have a job that need those shifts is nothing you can do about it!

3:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said... are nesting....he he happens to us all, which also means your Momma better get here soon. ;) Once you start feeling this significant urgency to clean the hell out of everything and make sure all her little clothes are folded and put away neatly, the time is close! :) How exciting! AS for the couch thing, come on Bhai, Appi has a loud and constant moving kitchen in her belly that she can't get away from. Believe me, right now, her work is MUCH harder than yours. Be a dear and give the girl a good nights sleep. It's only a few more weeks. :) As for the snorring, I think it must have something to do with pregnancy too b/c all of the sudden I want to kill my hubby at night. I can't sleep, he snores and it drives me up the freaking wall. I will say this though, those nose strip things really do help. Have your Mom bring a lot of them from America with her. I've been able to get some more sleep by those and elevating his head. Thank God! Can't wait to hear the name for your baby!

9:03 AM  
Blogger wayfarer said...

Salaams. Glad to hear your mom is coming soon and that you chose a name. We didn't have a name until we left the hospital lol. I totally know all about that sleeping thing. man the last month was rough! As far as what to bring. I brought everything the magazines and books told me too but i didn't use any of it. I do have a few suggestions but will send that in a private email...

9:21 AM  
Blogger camilla said...

salaam Tara. You are in ur 9 months now...that's cool. I started commenting on ur blog when you were in the early stage of ur pregnancy. Don't worry yourself at all and just keep thinking of one thing only - that is of your precious little one. Never ever panic. Keep praying and I will too. I pray that you have an easy delivery. Best Wishes and I am eager to know your little one's name.

12:46 AM  
Blogger Aisha said...

almost here! :) hang in there just a little longer!

Why are you keeping the name a secret? Just curious. I am not pregnant but I shared my favorite boy name to everyone and then my Sis-in-law TOOK IT because she got pregnant first. I now have learned I will be keeping my favorite baby names to myself.

12:50 PM  
Blogger Baji said...

:-) Take god care and get that much needed rest

7:50 PM  
Blogger Colleen said...

Tara :)

I can't believe you are at 9 months already!!! I hope you are taking care of yourself and resting. When is your mom flying in? I bet you will be so happy to see her!!!

Insha'Allah everything will be fine. I know how strong you are. You are in my thoughts.

Love and Miss you!!!

1:15 PM  
Blogger Gulperi said...

I looked at your ticker, only 20 more days for you! I have 191 more days til my due date! wow! I bet time has passed quickly for you, right? Its just these last few days that seem long and drawn out! I am excited for you that your mom will be there soon for ya, thats great! I think it is good to keep the name a secret. You have already told everyone it is a girl. I usually find out the gender and even keep THAT a secret, lol, so its good to have something just between you and your family. Best wishes dear!!!

10:09 AM  

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